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tendon graft
腱移植物  detail>>
阿泰拉  detail>>
bone graft
骨移植片 骨移植物 移植骨  detail>>
骨移植片  detail>>
bone graft to facial bone
骨移植至面骨  detail>>
lengthening of bone with bone graft
骨延长术伴骨移植  detail>>
excision of tendon for graft
肌腱切除术为移植  detail>>
excision of tendon of hand for graft
手肌腱切除术用于移植  detail>>
repair of fascia by graft of tendon
筋膜修复术用腱移植物  detail>>
nourish the tendon and bone
濡养筋骨  detail>>
arthroplasty of hip with bone graft
髋关节成形术用骨移植物  detail>>
autogenous bone graft
自体骨移植物  detail>>
bone graft impactor
骨移植片打入器  detail>>
bone graft of femur
股骨移植术  detail>>
bone graft of medullary cavity
髓腔植骨法  detail>>
bone graft of patella
髌骨移植术  detail>>
bone graft of scaphoid
舟状骨移植术  detail>>